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  • His Smoking Gun: Mafia Vigilante Romance (Gordon's Rage Book 1) Page 3

His Smoking Gun: Mafia Vigilante Romance (Gordon's Rage Book 1) Read online

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  “Well you’ll need this...” Lisa was half startled when Gordon’s voice was suddenly right next to her ear. She felt goose bumps as Gordon gently drew her hair back and tied it with an elastic. His touch was so gentle, but not hesitant. This was a man that had deliberate meaning behind everything he did, every move he made. Then his hands were on her shoulders, moving down her arms slowly indicating that she should hold her arms back a bit. He then slid a supple leather jacket over her arms and shoulders. Lisa felt an electric sensation when she felt him move up against her behind, reaching his arms around her waist to do the zipper of the jacket. He pulled the zipper up to the top. Lisa didn’t even realize that she was holding her breath but she let out a tiny little breath as Gordon’s hand slowly pulled the zipper up between her breasts. She could smell the soft spice aroma of Gordon’s cologne.

  “There we go. Now you are ready. Take my hand, and let’s be off.” Gordon said with clear excitement in his voice.

  Lisa had to convince her legs to start working again, because they were rooted to the spot where they had stood. Her mind had went blank in that moment and she had to bring herself back quickly.

  “Oh sorry, Lisa, am a walking too fast?” Gordon asked when he noticed the delayed reaction from Lisa.

  “Not at all, sorry Gordon, here we go, I’m still getting used to this.” Lisa replied.

  They made their way to a place where Gordon had not taken her during their tour of the house earlier. They entered what sounded like a large hall because their footsteps were reverberating through the space. They walked a while when Gordon stopped.

  “All right, take this.” Gordon said as he handed Lisa a pair of sunglasses and a scarf.

  “You know I can’t see, so I don’t need the shades Gordon.”

  “Trust me you’ll need them, just because you can’t see, doesn’t mean we don’t want your eyes protected.”

  Lisa put on the sunglasses and wrapped the scarf around her neck in a little knot. The she felt Gordon lift her solidly off the ground and place her on a leather seat...a bike? When Gordon fastened a helmet to her head there was no more doubt in her mind that they were indeed going for a motorcycle ride. I’ve never been on a bike before. Gordon took a seat in front of her and then a thunderous roar made Lisa jump a little in her seat, when the engine of the 1800 Indian Chieftain was woken up.

  “Easy there!” Gordon laughed back at Lisa when he felt her jump.

  “Sorry,” Lisa blushed and laughed at herself, “but, I’ve never been on a bike before.” Lisa said.

  “Do you trust me, Lisa?” Gordon asked, his voice sounding very earnest with those words.

  “Yes, Gordon, I do...” Lisa said very seriously as well.

  “Good, then hold on tight.” Gordon said as he kinked the cruiser into gear, released the clutch and opened the throttle. The engine growled hungrily as fuel met fire and the V-twin engine pulled them forward. They made their way down the driveway and the motorized gate was already open when they arrived at the bottom of the drive. Gordon took them out on an open road and all Lisa could do was hold him tightly around the waist. The feeling of acceleration was magical, as Gordon revved the engine right to the sweet spot and then shifting gears expertly. The wind whistled as they cut through the air and Lisa realized the use of the sunglasses that Gordon had given her, to shield her eyes from the wind.

  When they were at cruising speed Gordon turned his head slightly to speak.

  “How are you doing back there?” He half yelled with the wind blowing away some of the volume of his voice.

  “I’m absolutely fine thanks, Gordon, this is amazing!” Lisa squealed with glee as the butterflies of excitement bubbled in her body.

  “Good... So, do you want to fly?” Gordon asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “We are at speed, and the backrest will keep you in place so you won’t fall... so spread your arms out and fly!” Gordon was now taking them down a slight downhill. Lisa felt her fingers tremble as she loosened her grip on Gordon. Slowly she spread her arms as he instructed. Gordon pulled open the throttle as the road became winding. He took the corners expertly leaning into each of them with the giant motorcycle. Lisa felt as if she was on the most exhilarating roller coaster of her life. For a moment she forgot about the attack from before, she forgot even that she could not see. Her mind and body was filled with adrenaline and Lisa felt as if she was floating on a cloud. She was free. Free to be herself and just allow herself to experience this moment in peace. The seat vibrated under her buttocks as the engine drove them forward, thrusting through the air with immense power. Her hair, which Gordon had tied back for her, was billowing behind her. She could smell the sweet scent of the fields they drove by. It mixed so well with the scent of the man she was sitting behind. She wrapped her arms around Gordon again and she could not help but marvel at the feel of him. He was strong and so very masculine.

  He had such an air of authority about him, as if he knew exactly what he was doing. Lisa could feel the familiar sensation of butterflies fluttering in her stomach just thinking about Gordon. He had awoken something inside of her that she had thought she had lost. Working in that shady club, with men treating her like a piece of meat had made her dull to the point where she had almost lost the ability to trust in men. But Gordon was like the evening star, a constant. What he said, he did, and Lisa felt that she could count on that.

  After about an hour of riding, Lisa felt Gordon slow down. She did not realize that they had returned home from their ride. Gordon pulled the motorcycle back into the cavernous garage and brought the mighty Chieftain to rest. Lisa was filled with so many emotions and feelings. That had been one of the most exciting and beautiful experiences she has ever had. The way in which Gordon had shared this part of himself with her made her only want to get to know him more. The way he made her feel, when he helped her put on the riding jacket… and then take that feeling and multiply it to get to the feeling that she had from this motorcycle ride. Good vibrations…Very good vibrations was all that she thought as Gordon helped her off of the motorcycle without burning on the hot pipes.

  “Did you enjoy our ride?” Gordon asked, taking off Lisa’s helmet.

  “Oh yes, it was magnificent!” Lisa exclaimed.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I just wanted to share that feeling with you.” Gordon said, helping Lisa with her helmet.

  Lisa stood in front of Gordon and placed her hands on his chest as he loosened the helmet. “There is a feeling that I would love to share with you as well.” Lisa said

  “And what would that be?” Gordon asked sounding genuinely intrigued.

  “This one…” Lisa reached her hands up and found Gordon’s face with her hands. She gently pulled his face towards hers and leaned in with hers. Her heart was beating overtime and then almost seemed to flat line for a brief moment as their lips met. Gordon pulled her closer to him with his free hand, the other still clutching the riding gear. Even through the leather jacket, Lisa swore she could feel his heart match the beating intensity of her own. Beneath her fingers she felt the stubble of his beard, which felt rugged and rough in contrast with his thick soft lips that wrapped warmly over hers. The taste of his skin and the scent of him flared up her senses. She was melting into him, her personal angel. When their lips finally parted, and they shared the same breath, Lisa stared into the shadows that was her vision and she realized that never before had she wanted anything as badly as she wanted to be able to look up at her Adonis. She could feel her eyes tear up, a little bit from all of the overwhelming emotions that were washing over her in the past hour or so, and also partly because she was sad not to be able to look at Gordon.

  “Are you alright?” Gordon asked

  “Yes, I just really want to be able to look into your eyes right now.” Lisa said keeping her voice steady.

  “I understand, and I believe that it won’t be long until you will be able to. But then again, maybe if you could have seen me you w
ould not have kissed me.” Gordon said, laughing, and lightening Lisa’s heavy heart.

  “No Gordon, you are beautiful. I don’t have to be able to see to know that.”

  “And so are you, Lisa, since the first moment I saw you, I knew I had to know you.” Gordon replied.

  At that moment they heard the door open. “Terribly sorry to interrupt sir, I heard the motorcycle come in a while ago, just wanted to check if you were both all right sir.” Adam said, embarrassed to have found them like he did.

  “Thank you, Adam, I assure you that we are both just fine.” Gordon replied, a smile evident in his voice.

  “Good sir, I also want to inform you that dinner is ready.” Adam said as he made himself scarce.

  Gordon and Lisa just stood there silently for a moment and then started to chuckle having been caught like teenagers stealing a kiss behind the bleachers.

  “Are you hungry?” Gordon asked, still smiling.

  “It depends on what is on the menu…”Lisa replied with a sly tone.

  “We’ll just have to wait and see…Shall we?” Gordon said as he hooked his arm with Lisa’s as one would at a formal dinner.

  They made their way to the dining room where Adam and the staff had prepared a beautiful table, even though Lisa could not see it, she knew that there was something special going on. Lisa was overwhelmed with fragrances and aromas when she entered. Gordon helped her to her seat and then took a seat right across from her.

  “Adam what do you have for us tonight?” Gordon asked.

  “Well sir, madam, seeing as Miss Lombardi is having trouble with her eyesight, we thought it would be an interesting idea to make tonight’s meal something interesting.” Adam replied.

  “Interesting?” Lisa asked.

  “Indeed madam, we figured that we would capitalize on your other senses…Touch, smell, hearing and taste.” Adam sounded very pleased with himself.

  “Wow, Adam, I don’t know what to say!” Lisa exclaimed, she could not believe that someone that she did not know would make such an effort for her, just because they could.

  “It is our pleasure madam, you may have noticed the scent of fresh roses. The dining room has been decorated with quite a few of them. Now, for your first course we have Blini with Caviar.” As Adam made the announcement there first course was placed in front of them.

  “This looks fantastic, thank you Adam.” Gordon said, “I guess you don’t have an idea where to start cutting your meal, Lisa?” Gordon realized, “Shall I help you?”

  “Yes please, I have no idea what Blini is nor do I know how to eat it, but it sounds delicious.” Lisa laughed, feeling a bit embarrassed that she did not know about things like these, but figured that she would be honest about it.

  “All right,” Gordon said as he took his cutlery, cutting her a peace, “what we have here is a type of pancake with crème fraiche on top, topped with caviar.” He brought the fork closer to her mouth “Here we go, have a bite” he said and Lisa opened her mouth and Gordon fed her the Blini. She smiled as a bit of crème fraiche ended up on her upper lip.

  “Hmm, this is very nice.” Lisa remarked as Gordon took turns cutting himself a bite, and then one for Lisa. After they enjoyed their first course Adam placed glasses on the table. Lisa could hear him pour something into them, then he spoke up again.

  “Now for your second course: Inside out Cordon Bleu with grilled asparagus and green beans with bacon.” Their plates from the first course were taken away and replaced with new plates. The aroma of the herbs and spices in the cordon bleu together with the hearty smell of a warm dinner was making Lisa very hungry indeed and she could not wait to try some of this course.

  “I’m glad he pronounced cordon bleu correctly,” Gordon said “otherwise you may have thought that a blue version of me may have been on the menu.”

  “Yes, that would have been a let-down, I think I’d rather have the brown version.” Lisa smiled naughtily and hoped that she did not come across as being too forward, but Gordon seemed not to mind. He again alternated feeding her and then himself.

  “Goodness these breasts are succulent, don’t you think?” Gordon asked Lisa.

  “I am glad you think so.” Lisa said, “The chicken is also very tender and flavourful.” Lisa joked, and she could hear Gordon laughing and smiling.

  “I can’t argue with that, my dear!” Gordon said as he had a sip of wine, also handing Lisa her glass. She gave it a swish and drew in the rich aroma of the red wine that was in her glass. She took a sip and found that it was extremely full bodied with various hints of other tastes wine tasters would know, but seemed to only be coming to life on her palate now.

  The two of them enjoyed their wine and had just finished the second course when Adam appeared again.

  “Now for dessert. We have an assortment of fresh fruit, which can be enjoyed with a selection of sauces and dips as well as small cakes dribbled with brandy.” Adam announced as the plates for the main course were removed and replaced with platters of sweet treats.

  “This is truly amazing! Thank you so much, Gordon, Adam and everybody involved. Thank you for making me so welcome here.” Lisa said, smiling broadly.

  “No trouble at all, madam.” Adam replied and Lisa could hear that he was very happy with himself.

  “You are always welcome here, Lisa.” Gordon added and his hand wrapped around Lisa’s. She returned the affection by squeezing his hand back.

  “Enjoy the final course!” Adam exclaimed and left the two of them alone once more.

  “So what will you have me try first?” Lisa asked.

  “I don’t know…Adam seemed to have forgotten to give us cutlery.” Gordon replied.

  “Perhaps he meant for us to be a bit more relaxed and just use our hands?” Lisa said.

  “Maybe he did, I don’t mind using my hands.”

  “Neither do I.”

  “Good, so here take a bite of this.” Gordon said as he held a strawberry covered in melted Belgian chocolate to her mouth. She bit into the fruit. The sweet, slightly sour taste of the strawberry was perfectly offset by the rich dark Belgian chocolate. It was delicious.

  “Oh, sorry Lisa, I seemed to have gotten some chocolate on your lip.” Gordon said.

  “That’s ok, would you like to have it then?” Lisa asked softly leaning towards Gordon.

  “Miss Lombardi, are you asking me to kiss you?” Gordon asked coyly.

  “I believe I am, Mister Thomas.” Lisa replied.

  Gordon took her face into his hands and kissed her. She tasted the chocolate and strawberry mixed with the taste of his lips. She didn’t know if it was just because of her eyesight, but the tastes and sensations were driving her wild, igniting a spark deep inside her. Her body was tingling all over and the hair at the back of her neck was raised in goose bumps. They held that kiss for what seemed like an hour, but also just a second.

  After pausing a moment, savouring the moment Lisa spoke, “Shall we finish our desserts?”

  “Which do you mean?” Gordon asked.

  “That is completely open for interpretation.” Lisa laughed back.

  “I think I need to take a bath after dinner.” Lisa stated. “Do you mind helping me with that when we are done here?” Lisa spoke before thinking. She had been flirting with him and she knew that he was flirting back, but she did not know if she was going too fast. Crap, what if he thinks badly of me? But now I went and said it. We are both definitely old enough to make our own decisions so maybe it will turn out fine…Only one way to find out, I guess. Lisa’s head was spinning with her internal monologue, and her body was reacting to the feelings that were growing in her heart. It is safe to say that Lisa was rather jumbled up like clothes in a dryer. When Gordon spoke, however it all seemed to fall into place… “Sure, I would love to help you with that my dear.” Gordon said and completely derailed the emotional roller coaster Lisa had inside.

  They finished their meal and Adam arrived to clear the table. “Thank you, Adam
. I cannot tell you how enjoyable this meal had been. It was so special and I could tell the efforts that you must have made to make this extra special, just for me. The roses, the scents, the flavours…Just, thank you so very much. Could you come here for a second please Adam?” Lisa asked and Adam stepped closer. Lisa reached out and gave his a hug. It took Adam quite by surprise that a guest would express such gratitude but accepted the hug.

  “Madam, you are most welcome, just know that I believe that you have crawled into the heart of this house and everyone in it.” Adam said, and gave Gordon a knowing look and smile and then continued clearing the table when Gordon took Lisa by the arm and led her away.

  Chapter 4: Love is blind

  Gordon led Lisa down the hallways toward the master bedroom where he brought her to a large wingback chair.

  “Will you sit here while I run you a bath?” Gordon asked.

  “I will, thank you.” Lisa responded.

  She could hear Gordon walk to the bathroom over what sounded like thick carpeting. She started taking off her shoes, and her toes felt the soft surface of the carpet. She could hear running water start in the bathroom. A few seconds later Gordon returned and handed her a soft silk robe.

  “Feel free to undress and wear that as I finish getting the bath ready for you. How do you prefer the water? Warm, tepid or hot?” Gordon asked as he walked over somewhere a few feet away from Lisa.

  “I prefer it warm, not too hot at first, it is always easier to turn up the heat once inside.” Lisa replied.

  “All right then.” Gordon switched on a sound system with soft classical music. Bach’s cello suite started playing. “There we go, nothing like relaxing in the bath with some music by the masters. Now I’ll be busy in the bathroom, so you can get yourself ready.”

  Lisa heard his muffled steps dissipate towards the sound of rushing water and then she was alone with Bach. She sat there thinking for just a moment before getting herself undressed. Even though this would have typically been a time when she would have overanalysed the situation, she was calm. This time was unlike any time that she has ever been in the company of a man. Unlike any time that she had ever felt anything for a man. She dressed herself in the silk robe and it felt like liquid forming over her naked body.